The ATCR Conference promotes exchange on resettlement and humanitarian reception, and seeks to advance common approaches and objectives. Every year since 1995, government representatives have been meeting with representatives of NGOs and international actors under the patronage of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Geneva.
Both politically strategic and operational issues are discussed at the ATCR Conference. The focus is on the enlargement and maintenance of networks and the strengthening of confident cooperation of all parties involved for the benefit of refugees as well as the joint bundling of resources.
The ATCR Conference is always prepared during a meeting of the “Working Groups on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways” (WGR) which takes place before the conference itself.
Switzerland, represented by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and the Swiss Refugee Council, will chair the conference and the preparatory meetings of the working groups. As “NGO Focal Point”, the SRC has the task of consolidating and coordinating the interests of civil society both in Switzerland and internationally, and presenting them at the conference. For the first time, refugee representatives will also be involved in programme development.
Date and topic
The ATCR Conference 2021, entitled “Strengthening capacities to promote opportunities for refugees in unprecedented times”, will be taking place over four days (June 22, 23, 24, and 28). Due to the current pandemic situation, it will be held virtually.
Contact address at the Swiss Refugee Council (SRC):
For more information on ATCR 2021: UNHCR, SEM